Vendredi 24 mai 5 24 /05 /Mai 05:26

What is the strongest earthquake ever recorded

The earthquake that rocked Chile in Beats Dr Dre   1960 - at magnitude 9.5, the biggest ever recorded - followed almost 400 years of accumulating stress, according to new studies of the region buried soils and sand. Strain had been building up on the fault ever since the Spanish conquistadors were jolted by a large quake in 1575. Seismologists had previously been confused because the region had experienced earthquakes in 1837 and 1737, making the 1960 monster difficult to explain - the fault would not have had time to become sufficiently stressed to produce the magnitude 9.5 event. In this week journal Nature, a team led by Marco Cisternas now reports that these earlier quakes produced little if any subsidence or tsunami in the study area near the centre of the earthquake fault. In other words, they probably did not release significant stress building on the fault. By studying soils and sand Monster Headphones Beats s laid down over the past 2,000 years, the researchers have built up a picture of how and when previous tremors occurred along the fault, which runs between the Nazca and South American plates on the continent west coast. The 1960 event represents between 250 and 350 years worth of motion along a 1,000-kilometre section of the fault, where the Nazca plate is grinding below the continent at a rate of some eight metres per century.

The Valdivia earthquake or Great Chilean Earthquake occured on May 22, 1960 off the coast of Chili causing tsunamis over 10 meters high , that traveled as far as Hawaii, Japan, and New Zealand, killing 4,000-5,000 and leaving over 2,000,000 people homeless. It measured 9.5 on the Richter Scale (the largest ever recorded). The strongest earthquake ever recorded in the continental United States was The Good Friday Earthquake which struck Alaska, USA on March 27, 1964 measu Cheap Monster Beats red 9.2-magnitude on the Richter scale.

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